Welcome to the new home of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan (MERP).
You are in the right place if you are or were:
- A participant member of the WSCFF MERP.
- A participant member or former member of the California Firefighters Benefit Trust (CFBT).
- A new participant of the IAFF MERP.
- An IAFF Local wanting to learn more about the MERP and how it might benefit your members.
On this site you’ll find:
- General information and FAQs about the Plan.
- Help creating and managing your account.
- Plan forms and Trust documents.
- Historical and recent investment reports.
- Easy access to the MERP Member Portal (SIMON) as well as helpful videos that guide you through use of the portal.
- A list of the Plan Advisors and Board of Trustees.
- Information on how to join the Plan.
- Our contact information for follow-up questions.
We are thrilled to serve the needs of fire fighters and their families. Please contact us with questions you may have about the new IAFF MERP, how to use our online platform, or your retirement MERP investments.